Calceolaria arachnoidea Darcies Velvet

Calceolaria arachnoidea Darcies Velvet


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Silver webbed foliage with purple velvet flowers.

This is our Chelsea release of 2017 with very striking purple flowers. We grew this specimen from seed and now produce from cuttings. With foliage resembling lambs ears this alone is a striking feature but top with purple velvet flowers and you have this ultimate Calceolaria.

Keep an eye out as we hope to be releasing new calceolarias next year.

Flowering: Spring-Summer

Hardiness: Fully Hardy

Height: 35cm

Spread: 40cm

Further information:

Pretty velvet foliage with purple flowers which need trimming back when finished. A light trim in winter will suffice.

Common Name: Slipperwort / Slipper Flower / Pocketbook Plant / Pouch Flower

Life Cycle: perennial

Family: Calceolariaceae

Foliage: ovate / haired

Basic Colour: ( purple )

Flower Colour:  Purple

Natural Flowering: April – July

Winter Hardiness: Fully Hardy

Height with Flowers: 35cm

Soil Requirements:  average / moist / well-drained

Soil ph: acidic / neutral

Location:  container / cottage garden / border / rock garden

Usage: ornamental / bee food plant

Pruning: cut back in autumn as this will go completely to ground in winter. Also it can be late to show in Spring sometime snot showing growth till May

Tolerates: drought tolerant

Origin: Argentina – Chile

Additional information

Weight 100 g

Flowering season

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Flower Colour

Planting area

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Pot Size

1 x 9cm Pot


Silver webbed foliage with purple velvet flowers.

This is our Chelsea release of 2017 with very striking purple flowers. We grew this specimen from seed and now produce from cuttings. With foliage resembling lambs ears this alone is a striking feature but top with purple velvet flowers and you have this ultimate Calceolaria.

Keep an eye out as we hope to be releasing new calceolarias next year.

Flowering: Spring-Summer

Hardiness: Fully Hardy

Height: 35cm

Spread: 40cm

Further information:

Pretty velvet foliage with purple flowers which need trimming back when finished. A light trim in winter will suffice.

Common Name: Slipperwort / Slipper Flower / Pocketbook Plant / Pouch Flower

Life Cycle: perennial

Family: Calceolariaceae

Foliage: ovate / haired

Basic Colour: ( purple )

Flower Colour:  Purple

Natural Flowering: April – July

Winter Hardiness: Fully Hardy

Height with Flowers: 35cm

Soil Requirements:  average / moist / well-drained

Soil ph: acidic / neutral

Location:  container / cottage garden / border / rock garden

Usage: ornamental / bee food plant

Pruning: cut back in autumn as this will go completely to ground in winter. Also it can be late to show in Spring sometime snot showing growth till May

Tolerates: drought tolerant

Origin: Argentina – Chile

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