Bright yellow flowers arise from compact tufted rosettes of silvery grey leaves and is perfect for the alpine rock garden or container in a sunny position.
Flowering: Spring – Summer
Hardiness: Hardy
Height: 5-8cm
Spread: 15cm
Common Name: Cusick’s Draba / Steen’s Draba / Steen’s Mountain Whitlow Grass
Life Cycle: perennial
Family: Brassicaceae
Foliage: rosette linear
Basic Colour: ( yellow )
Flower Colour: yellow
Natural Flowering: May – August
Winter Hardiness: Fully Hardy
Height with Flowers: 8cm
Soil Requirements: average / dry / well-drained / sandy
Soil ph: acidic / alkaline / neutral
Location: container / rock garden / crevice garden
Usage: ornamental / bee food plant
Pruning: cut back after flowering
Tolerates: drought tolerant / salt tolerant
Origin: USA
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