New to our catalogue for 2025.
Mixed flowers of yellow, orange and red-orange on upright stems.
Great ability to attract pollinating insects its a must for the keen gardener wanting the combination or striking flowers that are great for wildlife. Plant in all soils in a sunny or semi shaded spot.
Flowering: Summer-Autumn
Hardiness: Hardy
Height: 70cm
Spread: 30cm
Further information:
This plant dies back in winter. Trim back old stems but mark where it is.
Common Name: Butterfly Weed / Pleurisy Root / Silk Weed
Life Cycle: perennial
Family: Apocynaceae
Foliage: lanceolate
Basic Colour: ( Mixed )
Flower Colour: Orange / Yellow / Red-Orange
Natural Flowering: July -September
Winter Hardiness: Fully Hardy
Height with Flowers: 70cm
Soil Requirements: average / dry / well-drained / sandy
Soil ph: acidic / alkaline / neutral
Location: container / cottage garden / border / rock garden / Mediterranean
Usage: ornamental / attracts butterflies
Tolerates: drought tolerant / salt tolerant / deer resistance / rabbit resistance / shallow soil
Origin: North America
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