New to our catalogue for 2025
This is a dwarf short lived perennial with nice compact growth. You can extend its life and encourage it to bloom again, by trimming it back after flowering or let it self seed. This is excellent for natural landscaping and is low maintenance. With its beautiful vibrant blue flowers it is attractive to bees, butterflies and other pollinators.
Flowering: Summer-Autumn
Hardiness: Fully Hardy
Height: 90cm
Spread: 20cm
Further information:
Common Name: Gentian Blue Bugloss
Life Cycle: perennial
Family: Boraginaceae
Foliage: Linear-elliptic to lanceolate
Basic Colour: ( Blue )
Flower Colour: Blue
Natural Flowering: May – September
Winter Hardiness: Fully Hardy
Height with Flowers: 90cm
Soil Requirements: dry / well-drained / sandy
Soil ph: acidic / neutral
Location: container / cottage garden / border
Usage: ornamental / semi shade
Pruning: Cut back after flowering to encourage more flowers or let it self seed.
Tolerates: drought tolerant / heat tolerant
Origin: Europe (except North) / Western Asia
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