This is one of our own hybrids collected. Green leaves and small rich blue flower heads.
Flowering: Spring-Summer
Hardiness: Fully Hardy
Height: 15cm
Spread: 15cm
Further information:
When this bulbous plant has finished flowering it will go into dormancy. Leave the foliage and flowers on till totally died back.
Common Name: blue-flowered onion
Life Cycle: perennial
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Foliage: Linear
Basic Colour: ( Blue )
Flower Colour: Blue
Natural Flowering: June – July
Winter Hardiness: Fully Hardy
Height with Flowers: 15cm
Soil Requirements: moist/ well-drained / sandy
Soil ph: acidic / alkaline / neutral
Location: container / cottage garden / border / rock garden / Mediterranean / crevice garden / meadow
Usage: ornamental / bee food plant / attracts butterflies
Pruning: Not required
Tolerates: drought tolerant / salt tolerant / deer resistance / rabbit resistance
Origin: Cultivar
Nick Walker (verified owner) –
Good plants